Terror, Inc (2009) Review
The Basics: I have a fancy for Terror, Inc - a seldom-used character in the Marvel universe that to me comprises their best horror idea (unlike their vampire ‘Morbius’ and their too-on-the-nose take on Lovecraft mythos ‘Darkhold’. My problem with Terror, Inc. is that the premise - an immortal who can take body parts from people, yet get the curse of the memories attached with them - seems cooler than the product that makes it to the comics page. When I came across this 2009 resuscitation by David Lapham I allowed myself to get excited.
What I liked the most:
This four-issue series (I’m guessing it changed from five to four at some point) uses the premise of the hero well, as ‘Terror’ creatively uses the body-part stealing to nice narrative effect. He borrows a head as part of a nice backstory tale that runs through the first two issues, changes almost entire bodies at one point and uses his power well for problem-solving. It’s worth noting that the plot device - a highly contagious and deadly virus threatening to start a pandemic - reads particularly chilling in 2020 given the COVID-19 pandemic. Also, it’s nice to see Zahhak from Persian mythology as the key villain. in the arc - an immortal with snakes growing out of his shoulders with a taste for human brains..
What I liked the least:
My biggest issue with the four books are the attempts with dialogue to be ‘punchy’, clever and ‘quippy’, considering this is a horror comic. Consider these points: (1) As Terror himself says, ‘sex was my middle name’. Terror himself is presented as a sex machine-type stud and the pages are filled with his exploits in the past and his promise of a romantic hot-tub evening with Mrs. Primo. This is a good time to restate that Terror is a decomposing pile of flesh that stinks of death. Let’s say I don’t buy it, and it feels inserted to make Terror seem hip. (2) There are some groaners in dialogue, like “sorry darling, there’s a shortage”, then Terror looking down his own pants and saying “damn right there is” (Issue 2); Zahhak saying “I’ll do what I want with them, they’re my bitches. You’re ALL my bitches!” (the groaner of all groaners, Issue 2) ; “Who will wipe the crap from this brat’s ass?” (Issue 4) In the final quote’s case , the play for humor (to me) took away from what could have been a serious and troubling moment.
Is it worth it?
I had high hopes for this, but in the end I walked away unsatisfied with the story. I’m big on finding hope in interesting premises I feel fell short during execution (St. Anger, The Phantom Menace) but I advise you spend your money elsewhere.